INTER-IoT aim is to design, implement and test a framework that will allow
interoperability among different Internet of Things (IoT) platforms.

Most current existing IoT developments are based on “closed-loop” concepts, focusing on a specific purpose and being isolated from the rest of the world. Integration between heterogeneous elements is usually done at device or network level, and is just limited to data gathering. Our belief is that a multi-layered approach integrating different IoT devices, networks, platforms, services and applications will allow a global continuum of data, infrastructures and services that can will enable different IoT scenarios. As well, reuse and integration of existing and future IoT systems will be facilitated, creating a de-facto global ecosystem of interoperable IoT platforms.
In the absence of global IoT standards, the INTER-IoT results will allow any company to design and develop new IoT devices or services, leveraging on the existing ecosystem, and bring get them to market quickly.