INTER-IoT approach will facilitate rapid prototyping of novel IoT applications being executed over integrated IoT platforms across single and multiple application domains, providing all the building blocks needed to achieve interoperability, including a framework, methodology, associated APIs and tools. This will assure that interoperability will be sustained as different products and architectures evolve in the market.


  • At the device level, seamless inclusion of novel IoT devices and their interoperation with already existing, even heterogeneous ones. This will allow fast growth of smart objects ecosystems.
  • At the networking level, seamless support for smart objects mobility and information routing. This will allow design and implementation of fully connected ecosystems
  • At the middleware level, seamless service discovery and management system for smart objects and their basic services. This will allow global exploitation of smart objects in large (even extreme) scale (multi-platform) IoT systems.
  • At the application service level, reuse and exchange (import/export) of heterogeneous services between different IoT platforms.
  • At the data and semantics level, common interpretation of data and information based on global shared ontology in order to achieve semantic interoperability between heterogeneous data sources.
  • At the integrated IoT platform level, rapid prototyping of cross-platform IoT applications
  • At the business level, faster introduction of IoT technology and applications across multiple
    application domains.