U. Politècnica de València
Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPVLC) is a dynamic, innovative public institution, dedicated to research and teaching that keeps strong ties with the social environment in which its activities are performed.
TIM Group is the major Italian enterprise ICT player with 31.2 million mobile lines and 13.2 million connections to its fixed network, of which more than 6.9 million are broadband accesses.
University of Calabria
The University of Calabria (UNICAL) is one of the premiere universities in the South Italy and considered as a big university including 40000 students and 13 faculties/departments.
PRODEVELOP, S.L. is an SME employing 80 engineers specialized in consulting, development, deploying, and operating geospatial solutions based on free and open source software.
Tech. Universiteit Eindhoven
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TUE) consists of 9 departments. Elsevier has ranked TUE as the best University in the Netherlands for two consecutive years (2013-14). With a yearly budget of €300m, TUE is a research‐driven technical university.
Valenciaport Foundation
The Valenciaport Foundation for Research, Promotion and Commercial Studies of the Valencia region (Valenciaport Foundation) is a private non-profit research created in 2004.
RINICOM is a UK SME manufacturer of COFDM IP mesh broadband wireless systems, surveillance systems and smart devices for the Health, Security and Transportation markets.
Noatum is a solid international company that leads the Iberian market with strategic port locations, full logistic services and a reliable and involved professional team.
XLAB Research
XLAB Research is recognized as one of the strongest computer science research teams outside the academic world in Slovenia.
Systems Research Institute
The Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences have been active primarily in the domain of methodological foundations for systems analysis.
ASL TO5 is a public health agency, dealing from health care of the citizens, encompassing 40 municipalities with 310.292 inhabitants.
Alessandro Bassi Consulting (ABC) was created in 2010 with a specific vision: help his clients to get beyond stereotypes and enable real innovation in different fields using ICT solutions.
Neways Technologies BV offers a combination of services covering the entire product life cycle of high quality industrial electronic applications. These services range from co- development up to sustaining services.
The AFT is the French association for the development of vocational training in transport and logistics created in 1957 by the transport industry.