INTER-IoT Open Call Summary

The first open call closed on January 20th, 2017 at 17:00 Brussels time. The Inter-IoT project received 63 proposals, of which:

  • 19 Large proposals
  • 44 Small proposals

Among the proposers were 22 universities and RTO and 41 SMEs.

The proposals originate from the following countries (in no particular order): Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Sweden,United Kingdom


Some statistics on the budget

  • Total budget: EUR 850.000, 00 €
  • Total request for funding: EUR 5.015.000,00 (oversubscription factor: 5,9)


Review and selection summary

After a thorough review process by external independent reviewers, it was found that the quality of most proposals was good to very good (above 50{5826560b8146e9f3ea4628f8dc726fa3e417c5c2d350ba95f161d4a5a9af78b1} were over thresholds). Due to budget limitations, only 2 large proposals and 10 small ones can receive funding.

Large proposals

  • CEA – Commissariat a l’energir atmique et aux energies alternatives (FR): Integrating sensiNact platform with INTER-IoT-Framework, RTO
  • VUB – Vrije Universiteit Brussel (BEL): INTER-OM2M, University

Small proposals

  • Universitat Pompeu Fabra (ES): INTER-HARE platform: Integration of multiband IoT technologies, University
  • Nemergent Solutions S.R.L.(ES): Mission Critical operations based on IoT analytics (MiCrOBIoTA), SME
  • University of Twente (NED): Interoperable Situation-Aware IoT-Based Early Warning System, University
  • Irideon SL (ES): SENSHOOK, SME
  • INFOLYSIS P.C.(GRE): SOFOS: A software-defined end-to-end IoT gateway with virtualization, SME
  • E3TCity (ES): E3Tcity Smart City Platform and Devices Integration, SME
  • AUEB – Athens University of Economics and Business Research Center (GRE): ACHILLES: Access Control and autHenticatIon deLegation for interoperabLE IoT, University
  • TU Wien – Vienna University of Technology (AUT): INTER-HINC: Interoperability through Harmonizing IoT, Network Functions and Clouds, University
  • ITIA-CNR – Institute of Industrial Technologies and Automation National Research Council (IT): A Semantic Middleware for the information synchronization of the IoT devices, RTO
  • AvailabilityPlus GmbH (GER): SecurIoTy – security for the IoT, SME

The Inter-IoT project thanks all proposers for their efforts. We congratulate the 12 proposers that have been selected for funding!